Monday, June 24, 2013

TV and art shows

I've been away from my blog for a while, but of course have been keeping busy with my art as usual.  I was asked to be on a local show here with my artwork.  I was filmed last Wednesday and the episode aired on Sunday.  The part on me is right in the beginning.

I was accepted into the RACC regional show that is juried and represents artists in a 100 mile radius.  My art will also be in the juried MWPAI Sidewalk show starting this Friday.  I'll try to update with some drawings soon.


  1. Now that I see it, the main character you always draw seems to be a slight variation of your face, I think it's the eyes or something... I'm not sure if it's intentional or not, but the paintings look cooler now

    1. They are all different but I think I unintentionally put myself into each one. Everyone says they look like me even if they have blonde hair haha!
